Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mahoromatic: Something more Beautiful Review by Luffy III and SoulNinja

It has been a while since Madman has released the coolest and popular GAINAX series via licensing, Mahoromatic, the story about a boy named Suguru Misato who lives alone in a house that is like a “major mess”. Until he meets a combat android maid named Mahoro, who’s system ceases functions in 37 days unless she removes her functions as a combat android. The adventures go through how Mahoro has become Suguru’s maid within her remaining days.

Now in Mahoromatic: Something more Beautiful, new characters are introduced including the maid sent by the management, Minawa (AKA 370). Feldlance (AKA the Doc, I named him the Doc because of his resemblance from Back to the Future, more evil version), a power hungry mad scientist who has sent in 370 to spy on Mahoro to capture her to use the androids as tools and not treating them with beings with a heart. Strangely, one of the VESPER staff character design looks a bit like “Wild Dog” from the Time Crisis series but that’s from a point of view.  

For the story, in Mahoromatic: Something more Beautiful, the plot takes part after the first series after Mahoro’s battle with Ryuga, now life returns back to normal at the Misato residence. Until, Suguru finds another cyborg girl around the streets. He takes him in and names her Minawa, Mahoro’s younger sister who has a dark past with the management. The storyline is great and engaging to the viewer’s eye because of the climatic scenes in the later episodes and the memorable and dramatic scenes that will keep you coming back for more of the series! Now for the story in the summer special. The plot takes part around the lighter times before the management’s capture and betrayal to VESPER where it focuses on Minawa, Mahoro and the girl’s war against the ecchi magazines Suguru, Hamadi, and Tamaguchi enjoy. It gets a bit crazy in the plot but has a decent dose of cheekiness and fanservice for older fans.

The art and technique for the character design and scene and background design is done very well. GAINAX has turned a series that has been produced early around 2001-2003. They also used clips from the past episodes from the first series to show a chain of memories sequence of the warm hearted moments important in the series. A remarkable job Hiroyuki Yamaga has done for the art in the Mahoromatic series and the specials! Also, there are a few references used in the series, see if you can guess them when you’re watching them!

The music is “crafted” well and suit different scenes within the series that would engage the viewer to see what is going to happen next. The opening is short and sweet and puts in the emotional parts as well show the theme of love and true identity to begin the episode overall and the closing is cheerful and passionate as well as strange due to Minawa’s opinion of being herself… My recommendation to all Mahoro fans, DO NOT fast forward the opening and ending of anime series! Enjoy the singing and get into the rhythm of the song overall! Let loose (but not too loose).

For the extras on disc 3, the art gallery is full of character designs and rough sketches done for the series and how the staff has put them all together to form this series overall! However, when checking out the Easter Egg Gallery, unfortunately, there is no sexy art gallery in this release!!! Bit disappointing to see that it was a trick to pull off collectors and viewers in finding out this mystery as it’s impossible to find this extra overall. However, the clean opening and ending gives you a full animatic of the OP and ED to enjoy as well as the song sung! My favourite was the OP because of the innocence of the characters, the warm feeling you get when you see Suguru and his maids as a family and the excitement of the other characters.

Overall, it was good to see Madman to finally license the long awaited second series of Mahoromatic: Something More Beautiful and Summer Special for all the collectors and viewers! However, I recommend watching the first series before you begin watching the series and be sure to be at least 15 years or older to watch the series, my viewers and readers (recommended 18 or more)

The Good:
-Catchy Opening and Ending songs.
-Interesting storyline and characters (Including Minawa)
-Major improvement from the first series!
-Great and memorable scenes in episodes, good balance of action and comedy (First episode,
-Art and technique is done well in this series! (High credit)
-Good taste of some fanservice sections… lol
-Lots of action and surprises awaiting every episode that will leave you looking out for more.
-Music fits in with important and critical scenes well.
-Shows many themes of love and true identity.

The Bad:
-Bit repetitive of the “sorry” mood by Minawa
-Not much bad items
-Typo with the Easter Egg gallery in the extras as there in no sexy art gallery.

-Dub: 9
Art and technique: 9
Music: 10
Extras: 8

Overall rating:  9/10

Cherrybrook Anime And Gaming Society Editor’s choice

WARNING: The following series is rated MA 15+ it contains, strong sexual scenes, animated nudity and some violence.  

Mahoromatic: Something More Beautiful is Licensed by TBS Animation and distributed by Madman Entertainment

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